Jobs In Jobs in Far North East

Affiché il y a 4 heures

Office Manager - Aidie Creek Gardens, Englehart, ON

Northern College Community Employment Services

Saisonnier • Temiskaming Shores Région

Aidie Creek Gardens is looking to hire an Office Manager.

This position will begin mid March with on the job training through the first season.

Duties will include but are not limited to: accounting, payroll, balancing cash, answering phone calls, responding to emails and Facebook, and general office tasks.

  • The successful candidate will need strong communication skills.
  • Experience in accounting is an asset but not necessary as training and support will be provided, and this can be learned on the job.
  • Knowledge of plants and gardening in general are an asset, but not required.

To Apply:
If you think you would like to join our team please respond here on fb or by email at:

Job Category:


Northern College Community Employment Services

Temiskaming Shores Temiskaming Shores, ON, Canada

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Emplois de Northern College Community Employment Services

il y a 3 heures

Gardener/Soft Landscaper - The Greenhaus - New Liskeard, ON

Saisonnier – Temiskaming Shores
il y a 4 heures

Cashier & Pharmacy Assistant - Smallman Pharmacy, Haileybury, ON

Temps plein – Temiskaming Shores
il y a 4 heures

Office Manager - Aidie Creek Gardens, Englehart, ON

Saisonnier – Temiskaming Shores

Afficher tous les emplois pour cette entreprise

Commission de formation du nord-est (CFNE)
Financé en partie par le gouvernemenet de l'Ontario et le gouvernemenet du Canada



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